Medical Image Processing

The integration of histological image analysis with mass-spectrometry systems, and the cross-validation of the results (obtained from processing) is a relatively new research direction, making use of existing industrial relations (the mass-spectrometry equipment is very expensive). The target area is primarily the analysis of the applicability of mass-spectrometry at surgical procedures, biopsy and blood tests. By the matching of 2D/3D digital tissue images with the related mass-spectrometric data a brand-new field of research would be opened for the university. The Size and the processing of high-definition 2D or 3D digitized images is resource-intensive (large memory requirements, highly parallel algorithms, large images). For data storage and processing additional resources are required. Two high-performance workstations are capable of running complex image processing algorithms, taking advantage of the integrated GPGPU support (2 x NVIDIA Tesla C2050 per machine).